Thursday, August 25, 2011

Don't let insurance premium dictate your life

Why is it that people get worked up when health care/insurance increase in premium issue is raised?  It's because they're sick and they need health insurance to cover the medical bills!  The insurance companies know this and they take advantage of it.  Insurances are getting more expensive by the minute.  People are going to pay the high premiums to have their health care because they don't know when they're going to be sick.

Well, how do you get out of that never ending cycle?  The answer is easy!  DON'T GET SICK!! Some of you are probably thinking we all get sick at one point or another, or have to go to emergency care!  Yes, that's true and you should have some kind of health insurance to cover those instances.  But what I'm referring to are those with chronic problems such as high cholesterol, diabetes, or high blood pressure.  Those are the people that have high health insurance cost.  These problems can all be solved with a little guidance and self-discipline.  The long term cure for these problems are proper nutrition and exercise and best of all, it's FREE (sort of)!

Once you've crossed out those chronic illness from your susceptible list of illnesses, all you have left is the occasional cold, and visit to the ER if you broke an arm or leg.  Insurance plans for those are cheap, approximately $25-30 dollars a month.

In summary, prevent future chronic illness and becoming part of the never ending cycle of insurance premium raises by keeping yourself healthy through proper preventative measures and wellness healthcare.  If you don't know how to get started, well, shoot me an e-mail or give me a call and I can help you get on the right track.

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